Im Keaton Hutto..
A software developer.



Full stack app using MERN technologies(MongoDB, Express Routing, React, Node.js) user can login and register to track job search and applications.


A full stack web app that allows users to login to view events going on in their area, as well as remote locations by a MapBox api or search function. Users can leave comments to plan with others as well as create their own parties. Backend storage uses mysql in conjunction with Java, Thyme Leaf, and Spring Boot. Site is fully deployed using Digital Ocean and Dokku.


Full stack app that allows users to create, edit, and delete ads. Users can also search for ads by title, price, and location. Uses MySql, Tomcat and Java.


Full stack app using MERN technologies(MongoDB, Express Routing, React, Node.js) user can login and register to book hotel. Users are alerted by a react library called toaster that shows they have successfully registered and/or logged in. App uses stripe as backend payment gateway and processing.

Mars Away

A landing page for a website to buy tickets to live on Mars. Eye Catching and unique animations built with SCSS/CSS keyframes, responsive UX/UI design using automatic breakpoint media queries. An API is used to generate a random profile picture for user stories/ reviews.

Random Recipe Generator

Web application to generate a random recipe. Users can generate random recipes by food category and can generate random recipes by selecting ingredients from a list of 500+ ingredients. The api used in this application has over 5,000+ recipes.

Image Optimizer

Desktop app built with electron to allow users to browse computer for a picture to scale down the quality of the image to reduced the size of the file without drastically changin appearance of the image.


Desktop app built with electron to allow users to moniter CPU overload and usage pertentage also displays other useful info about the users machine.

Arduino Plants Circuit

This a circuit to automate the growing for in door vegetation that require optimal growing enviroments for favorable results. The circuit contains a 12/12 on off UV light, fans for circulation, and humidity/temp sensors for monitoring. Now with added water mist functionality --LCD to moniter output of humidity and temp sensors

React Three Fiber Earth & Moon

A simple 3D scene built with react-three-fiber and react-spring.

ThreeJs & Blender Modeling

A portal created in Blender and imported using ThreeJs to be able to use in a web application.

ThreeJs Galaxy

A galaxy coded in THREE.js with a custom shader.

How to reach me.